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Your store for fireworks and pyrotechnics in Switzerland!

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Fireworks Shop - Pyrotechnics - Buy smoke flares online in Switzerland

Silvesterfeuerwerk kaufen SchweizBuy New Year's Eve fireworks

As professional fireworks and pyrotechnicians, we understand our craft: sophisticated fireworks batteries, effective candy canes and New Year's Eve rockets that provide that special "aha moment". Far away from so-called "discounter goods", we provide you with fireworks for the turn of the year, some of which you can only get from us. Need advice? We'd love to: as professionals, we know exactly which effects go with which - regardless of whether you want to buy large or small New Year's Eve fireworks or simple rockets. New Year's Eve fireworks are of course the same as fireworks 1 August, your store for professional fireworks.

Feuerwerk 1. August kaufenFireworks for August 1st - Swiss national holiday

August 1st! Switzerland's national holiday and a public holiday. It has always been a tradition to celebrate this day with festivities and parties. Be it a small private garden party or large-scale public events.
Traditionally, fireworks are part of the August 1st celebrations, despite all the rumors to the contrary. Some like it a little quieter, others louder; others like it colorful and others with lots of smoke and spectacle. Whatever requirements you personally have for your fireworks: You're sure to find the right one here - direct sales from pyrotechnicians for budgets big and small. Firecrackers and firecrackers, extra-high fountains or sparklers and battery fireworks.
Bengalos kaufen in der Schweiz

Bengalos - Pyros & Bengal fires

Most people only know Bengalos from football stadiums. But here the actual purpose is basically defeated, even if a real culture has been created in the meantime. Bengalos, or Bengal fires, are emergency signal flares, e.g. to attract attention in the event of an accident on a mountain or at sea. They are also used, for example, for filming or photo shoots to bathe the surroundings in a special light.
We stock Bengalos that you can buy legally without any problems - including special ones that you can only get from us - look out for the SMOKE-X label. But please: Only for the intended technical purpose!
Rauchbomben & Rauchpetarden online kaufen

Smoke bombs & smoke petards

Smoke bombs for photo shoots & filming or smoke pellets for paintball & airsoft games - smoke has a wide range of uses. Not forgetting so-called test smoke for leak tests, or as training smoke for fire departments, the military or technical relief organizations
Benefit from real professionals - with our many years of expertise, also in terms of in-house developments, we are your contact when it comes to finding the right smoke for the required purpose. Talk to us or take a look around our online store at your leisure.
Pyrotechnik kaufen

Pyrotechnics & Special FX

We are trained, certified and licensed pyrotechnicians, also for stage pyrotechnics. Special effects, fire simulations, stage explosions and more are part of our profession. It goes without saying that we only offer corresponding products of a correspondingly high quality. We are also happy to use our expertise to answer any special questions you may have. Do you have a special task? We will find your solution. And if you know what you are looking for, we have a wide range of stage pyrotechnics in our online store.
Grossfeuerwerk KAT F4 kaufen


As state-certified fireworks specialists and passionate fireworkers with the corresponding FWA and FWB licenses, this is also our special focus: Large fireworks in all their beauty! That's why we stock a wide range of F4 articles, some of the largest in Switzerland. Selected ball bombs, cakes fanned with caliber 50 mm ascending up to the professional radio ignition system - we carry everything you need as a large fireworks manufacturer. And should you miss anything, please simply get in touch with us