Weco kaufen bei feuerwerkshop.ch

Weco Shop Switzerland
Weco Suisse AG deals exclusively in fireworks and August 1st articles and is regarded as a leader in the Swiss retail trade.
The focus is on the traditional trade in large and small fireworks. It also organizes fireworks displays for events such as weddings, birthdays, company anniversaries, community celebrations and occasions of all kinds. Product range, safety and quality: Thanks to its close cooperation with partner companies in Germany, Austria, Holland and France, Weco Suisse is able to constantly develop its own products and set new trends.The products undergo a multi-stage quality control process from production to the consumer. The fireworks are checked in the country of origin during the production process and also before transportation. Further tests are carried out in Walterswil.
The Weco Group is regarded as a leading company in the fireworks sector, both as a trading company and, above all, as a manufacturer with three production sites in Germany. As a result, at least a third of the company's total turnover already comes from products manufactured in its own German factories.

*Bad Bull* Weco battery fireworks

*Grande Venezia* firework battery

*Meteorite* small fireworks from Weco

*Pyro whip* small Bengal flares from Weco

*Skyline I* Weco battery assortment

2 minute gold firework volcano

2 minute orange firework volcano

2 minutes red firework volcano

Bengal hand torch blue (set of 4)

Bengal hand torch purple (set of 4)

Big fireworks XXL youth fireworks

Buy Pink Power candy cane

Candy cane 2 minutes pink

Color changing fireworks volcano 60seconds (Vesuvius)

Color Thunder King

Comet tube Comet star

Elven magic firework volcano

Fairy Land Volcano Set

Firedance fireworks range

Firework assortment *Pyro Toys* from Weco children's assortment